Register to join us:–trzgqHdwu4vLzz8JraI9DjEGJNxwt
We will have a breakout room for children and family activities and another room for adults.
This event is casual and fun. Expect to have some laughs getting to know others affected by cavernous malformation and celebrating Rare Disease Day together!
The adults will be playing Two Truths and a Lie so come prepared with some unique facts about yourself!
The family breakout room will be doing some optional crafts and playing a variety of games together.
Pick a craft project from the options below and come prepared with the materials.
Instructions to make a galloping zebra finger puppet:
Make a zebra paper plate mask:
Make a zebra crown:
Color a zebra:
Click here to check out some fun filters to celebrate rare disease day on social media
And a tutorial on how to use them