Our Values

Our Guiding Principles

The Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation has adopted a Values Statement to guide us in our mission to inform, support, and empower those affected by cavernous malformations and drive research for better treatments and a cure. We embrace these values internally as an organization and as the public representatives of the patient community.

Think big and act big. We are in urgent pursuit of finding a permanent cure for CCM. We will persevere until no one ever suffers from CCM again. We innovate, collaborate, and aim high to achieve our goal.

Earn trust, always. We strive to be a trusted partner who can always be counted on to do the necessary work, and to act with transparency, discretion, and integrity in everything we do. We believe that a culture of trust makes us more productive and better collaborators.

Champion each other. Patients and their families are our North Star. Every day we aim to support each other as we face the many challenges from CCM in all its forms. Whether it is with resources, support, or our vision for a cure and better treatments, we hold our community close.

Seize opportunities. We believe that developing a cure requires science and so much more. So, we listen for ideas from endless sources–from global experts to individual families–to synthesize viewpoints from this broad base and understand the big picture. This is our superpower: we identify and create sweet spots where science, patients, and partners converge to move us forward to the cure.


Updated 3.17.25