21st Annual Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation
International CCM Scientific Meeting
The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Thursday and Friday, November 6-7, 2025
The CCM Scientific Meeting is a venue for international stakeholders to assemble, share, and discuss the latest CCM research data. Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation hosts this annual meeting to facilitate scientific progress and collaborations.
The 2025 meeting will be in-person only:
Thursday, November 6th: A day of plenary beginning at 8:30 am, followed by a poster session/reception and a special dinner.
Friday, November 7th: A keynote speech followed by a plenary session through 3:30 pm. Stay tuned for additional opportunities to gather or enroll clinical research participants.
CCM Scientific Meeting Registration
The early registration deadline is July 7th, 2025.
There are no plans for virtual attendance at this time. As in previous years, only the keynote address will be recorded.
Abstracts are due to amy.akers@alliancetocure.org by July 7th, 2025, in MS Word file format.
If your travel plans are contingent upon acceptance of a plenary or poster presentation, please submit your abstract a week before you plan to book your travel so we may offer a preliminary determination.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts should describe presentations of new, unpublished research data or data published after November 2023. Presentation topics may describe any project field related to CCM research, including, but not limited to, drug studies, genetics, animal models, proteomics, vascular biology, signaling, clinical studies, surgery, imaging, etc.
Please limit your abstract to 500 words. Your submission may include images. Please include a presentation title and a listing of contributing authors (not included in the word count).
Please include the intended presenter’s name, affiliation, professional level (student, postdoc, etc.), and email address.
Who may attend?
Attendance at the annual CCM Scientific Meeting is open for those with active CCM research programs (principal investigators, postdoctoral fellows, and students), clinical practice, drug development, and CCM advocacy (e.g., Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation Board members). Officials from the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and international funding agencies are also encouraged to attend. Upon registration, attendees will complete an eligibility questionnaire. Final attendance eligibility determinations are subject to a decision by the Organizing Committee. To request registration information, please contact Amy Akers at amy.akers@alliancetocure.org.
Attendance is limited to the above-described eligibility criteria to protect the confidentiality of unpublished data. Therefore, patients, care providers, and other family members (even those with medical or scientific training) cannot attend scientific sessions.
Your registration will be refunded if our meeting is canceled because of the pandemic. We will have masks and COVID antigen tests available. We will keep you apprised of any changes with your safety and the safety of the patients and families in mind.
More Information
We email announcements, including registration links, to our current scientific mailing list. If you have not received regular correspondence from us about poster sessions or this meeting, please write amy.akers@alliancetocure.org to be added to the distribution list.
In 2023, we hosted a meeting where we shared unpublished data, engaged in lively discussions, facilitated hypothesis generation, and drove research for a cure for CCM. View 2023 Agenda View 2022 Agenda
For more historic meeting information, please visit the PAST MEETINGS section and view past meeting agendas that exemplify the broad range of researchers and projects from distinct fields, all contributing to a complete understanding of CCM disease biology.
For questions about the program, please contact Connie Lee at clee@alliancetocure.org.
Updated 7/31/23