In a typical year, your donations support:
- Fund research seed grants for ground-breaking projects.
- Host an annual International CCM Scientific Meeting, the only meeting of its kind, to discuss cutting-edge research to find a treatment and cure.
- Facilitate a DNA and Tissue Bank used by research labs throughout the world.
- Manage a Patient Registry for clinical drug trials and other research.
- Offer free genetic testing for families.
- Provide recruitment, consultation, and strategic partnerships for clinical trials and other research.
- Host an international CCM Mouse Model database.
- Create a network of recognized CCM Centers of Excellence around the United States.
- Provide a supportive community for patients and their families to connect 24/7 through support groups and online forums.
- Publish a comprehensive Patient Care Guide for those affected by CCM and their families.
- Educate patients, their families, researchers, and clinicians on treatment options and symptoms including through a Patient-Expert Certificate Program.
- Introduce and advocate the CCM-CARE Act to speed the development of treatment options, save lives and save countless dollars in health spending.
- Advise and collaborate with CCM patient groups worldwide to combine forces for our work toward a cure.